I wanted to squeeze in one more blog entry before the long holiday weekend - soon enough I'll be too full of turkey stuffing and pecan pie to lift a finger, let alone compose a thoughtful post.
With all the scurrying around, however, I've made certain not to forget to acknowledge my gratitude. One of my yoga teachers, Jill, incorporated a grateful pose into practice: she recommends during back-bends to think of your loved ones (specifically all of those for which you are grateful) and picture them in miniature on your belly, as it rises to the sky.
At first I giggled at this visual: everyone, and I mean everyone, I'm thankful for - hanging out like figurines in a marvelous pack - with my stretchy yoga top as their ground. But then, after doing this multiple times over multiple classes, I started to come around on the exercise. I actually thought of more people than I imagined - trying to fit in as many as possible, as not to leave anyone out of the party on my ribs. I suggest you try it, and I don't think this acknowledgment practice is limited to a yoga class. Maybe as you're getting ready for bedtime? Maybe while you're rolling out pie dough?
There's no way I could share all of my gratitude in this one blog, so I will simply share one thing that I couldn't live without: the spontaneous "me" day. While rattling on about everyone I love, I know it's strange to bask in the glory of me - however I need to take care of myself before I can give back to the others - I stand by this truth.
My "me" day was on Saturday and there was one thing on the day time agenda: no plans to speak of. With no where to be and no one to meet, I relaxed, creating space to do things I didn't even know I wanted to do. My "me" day was a real success because I actually felt myself
s l o w d o w n - a rare sensation that can only be felt in its genuine state.
My pace came to such a halt that I actually took the time to take care of some things around the house. I fixed a lampshade that appeared to be eternally crooked, I dried flowers and arranged them into bouquets, I hand-washed some clothes and I listened to one of my favorite music programs, the
Thistle and Shamrock, on a local radio station. I also...
Dropped in to
Flora Grubb Gardens, where I bought two plants to add to my collection. Their space is half plant store, half plant museum.

I've wanted to make a wreath for some time now and my hope is to make one with my dried flowers. There's a succulent wreath-making workshop there this weekend - if anyone's in town...

Something to be grateful for: When walking down the street, don't forget the things below your feet!

Aww, Arizmendi. Something to be grateful for. Since they opened on Valencia, I'd yet to stop in for a slice (or two) of pizza and my "me" day was the perfect time to do it. I enjoyed my mushroom, goat cheese and leek pizza al fresco to the sounds of an accordion, courtesy of Gypsy Honeymoon. Obviously, a trip to Arizemendi isn't complete without a drool-fest over their pecan rolls.

Gypsy Honeymoon - a place where the antiques never get old! Lately, on nice days, the owner sets up a table of cherished items on her stoop. I couldn't help but notice how colorful and lively everything looked - almost as if I was at Flora Grubb.

How cute is that lamb? Obviously, a "me" weekend isn't complete without some good socializing. Sunday night, Liz, Sarah and I cooked this
Onion Madeira Soup with Gruyere Toasts (which I spotted on
A Bloomsbury Life). It rounded out the coziness of the entire weekend.

With a little bit of time for "me," I am able to be even more grateful for the ones who want to be with me - even in miniature, with my chin aimed for my heart, these people - these loved ones - they make the best company.