Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Clear Eyes, Full Hearts, Can't Lose

I finished the whole thing! What now?

Started Freaks and Geeks last night, but soon I'm going to need something with the heart and realism of shows like The Wire and Friday Night Lights. Any suggestions???

By the way, if you're in love with FNL like I am, you should read this article from the New York Times magazine. They nailed it... (thanks, Rach, for sending me the clipping :)


  1. you've probably already seen it but Six Feet Under pretty much tops my list of best TV show ever made. Pushing Daises is always wonderful as well.

  2. Was just about to mention that NYT Article. Sadly, it has completely tarnished my love for Glee. Le sigh.

  3. Have you Veronica Mars'd it? If not, all three seasons are worth it.

  4. Meg, I know that you own "Downton Abbey." You should start watching it, you will love it I promise! It's of course completely different from "Friday Night Lights." Heather and Alex loved it. And I promise to start watching "Friday Night Lights" as soon as I finish "Doc Martin."

  5. I highly recommend Breaking Bad. Acting, writing, directing are mind blowing!! I watched 3 seasons in one week. Season 4 starts July 17th. That and Sopranos are tied for my two favorite shows of all time. But The Wire is next on my list and I'm told that it blows everything else out of the water... xoxo - Rach

  6. Meg! Have you ever watched Northern Exposure?? It's amazing and I think you would love. XO
