Monday, February 8, 2010

New York, je t'aime

Yesterday, it was hard to pine for New York's winter under a San Francisco sun. The Bay Area found itself in a glow, 100 % independent from all the TV screens playing the Super Bowl. I soaked in every hint of ray I could, not for one second missing my beloved coziness of gray clouds or rain. Snow, on the other hand, I could handle for maybe another day or two. I got a cozy taste of that on my not-so-long-ago trip to NYC. I better blog about it one more time before I'm completely swept up into a San Francisco Spring. So here we have raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens...aka my favorite things:

Let me open the doors for you with lunch at The Spotted Pig! We ate burgers, fries, chicken liver on toast, smoked haddock chowder and mulled wine. A dream meal, with some surprises!

A must-see: 'A Woman's Wit: Jane Austen's Life and Legacy' exhibit at the Morgan Library & Museum. For all you New Yorkers out there who've yet to visit the library, watch the 16 minute film before seeing the actual exhibit. It gives great context, as well as loads of inspiration.

Laughing on the street corner with Sophie, in her pretty pink coat and black-rimmed glasses.

In the mood to sort through piles upon piles of vintage cookbooks? Joanna Hendrick's cookbook store in Soho is the place to be.

Dreaming of plum season...

Rainy day with Rachel, under an enormous umbrella! I love those German rain-boots.

I finally got to see Broadway's musical revival of Westside Story. Now my relationship with the story transcends the 1960's movie screen, as it progresses onto a new stage and into a new century and a new time.

I can't visit NYC without bringing home my one and only souvenir. I never miss a mug at La Terrine on 73rd and Lex.

My mom and I came across this gem of a gallery owned by Mark Murray. While it felt more like a cozy home from another decade than an art space, the collection was beautiful as was the art from the London gallery they rent out to.

Paintings don't just hang at this gallery. They lean too.

When can I move in?

Oh, friends! Rachel, Peter and Ian gave me a great final night, making it so hard to leave! We did it all: ordered rabbit's feet, shared some angels and drank dragon tears. Oh, how I miss that state of mind...

1 comment:

  1. nice pics! so good seeing you, but too short. when you come back, we'll have to have breakfast at fort defiance and explore red hook together.

    miss you.
