Friday, February 11, 2011

40 Days: Day 7

Wishing everyone a shiny, full and silly weekend!

In case you were wondering, I'm amidst a yoga transformation! Last Saturday I began a 40 day commitment to yoga through my studio - it follows the Baron Baptiste 40 Days to Personal Revolution method. Today, marks the end of Week 1. So far, it's been great. I feel happier, healthier and more awake. Obviously, it's kept me a lot busier than usual (and don't forget I'm training for a half-marathon, have a full-time job and am recently enrolled in a poetry workshop).

During this time, I'll be blogging every week as I always do, but my posts may be shorter or less frequent. There's a lot that goes into these 40 days, and I'll be sharing it with you all as well. This intensive practice involves yoga and meditation everyday, a new and balanced diet and, above all, a compassionate and committed dedication to personal awareness. Week 1 was intense, and it will only get more intense - so for now, I'd just like to wish you all a gorgeous weekend - wherever you are!


  1. I am very excited for you and what you are dong. It should be an amazing experience. It will be rewarding in so many ways!
