Wednesday, June 8, 2011


While in LA this past week, Heather took me to the store Distant, a home decor boutique on 3rd street (just a few steps away from Joan's).

All she said was that we were going somewhere to pick up some towels. Upon walking in, I thought: Toto, we're not in Bed Bath & Beyond anymore.

Distant is the kind of place you wish you could stumble into everyday - with its hand woven organic products, antique textiles and beautiful items in every corner.

This place takes the words 'soft' and 'cozy' to a whole new level.

I could have written, stamped and sent a 'Dear, Santa' Christmas List right then and there.

How about those pink hand towels? I'd wash my hands for those any day.

After one walk through, it was hard not to wrap myself up in the robes, blankets and towels that hung from the racks - silently inviting me to hideaway in their softness.

Heather always knows the BEST places in LA!

So beautiful. I'd love to find a place like this in San Francisco...


  1. This is amazing! I love everything in this store. So many fabulous textiles! I will be going there.

  2. my gosh, so jealous.
    i used to live on blackburn one block below joan's. now you've got me craving all sorts of goodies.
    we're remodeling our bathroom and this shop is the vibe. oh brother!

  3. I'm on my way. Thanks for the tip.

  4. byyyye!! im going there right now.

  5. There are so many lovely things there I think I am already in to that boutique

    Greetings holiday apartment london

  6. If those are rugs in the 5th picture then I'm road tripping to SF soon!
