Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dia de los Muertos

Last night's "Day of the Dead" festivities were magical. An array of people filled the Mission streets, adorned in Marigolds and holding candles, honoring loved ones who have passed. The grand procession began at the intersection of 24th and Bryant, making its way to 26th and Harrison to celebrate the Festival of Alters. I couldn't take my eyes off the beautiful dressed individuals who evoked memories and praised the miracle of life.

Mourners performing art or artists performing mourning?

Her marigolds were bright.

Skeletons mingled with the living.

Leans in on the accordian.

Ghostly Marie Antoinette.

The smell of burning sage haunted through the crowds.

And her lips were sealed.

And so were his.

"Have you seen the woman with a red hat?"

All white gown with blue flowers in her hair.

One of the leaders of the bicycle drawn puppet theater.



...my favorite. Her smiling hat.

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