Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Since January I've been on a full blown "Wire" binge and last night I made it to the 2nd to last episode. I don't ever want it to end! I think when I watch that final episode I will need to blog about something other than "The Wire," so I'm taking this opportunity now (while I'm still in deep) to acknowledge this utterly perfect display of entertainment. I've never been so riveted by a television show as I have been by "The Wire." Sure I've seen "The Soprano's" and I've seen "Lost," but nothing compares. Being wrapped up in "The Wire" has been so heavy and intense, it's probably good that it's coming to an end for me. I don't want it to be over, but let's just say, "Sex and the City 2" is coming at a good time. It's going to be very refreshing as well as a nice change of pace. It's also summer and I don't need to be glued to the television anymore. "The Wire," however, is incredible. It equally breaks my heart and humbles my humanity. I wouldn't give those four hour long stretches of episodes up for anything. And now there's only one more left!!! Oh. My. Omar!

p.s. Need proof of the show's relevance and staying power? At this very moment it is being referenced on NPR's "Morning Edition" in a piece about wire taps. I have a feeling it will follow me around for a long time after I watch that finale. I'm okay with's SO INSANELY good.


  1. 1. The Wire is amazing. When my husband and I were where you are right now (a year or so ago) he would come around the corner whistling the Farmer in the Dell and I would seriously get chills. Ohhh, OMAR!!
    2. I like that we are communicating solely in blog comments.
    3. I love Omar.

  2. i still have most of the last season to watch. i may just have to start it up again, thanks to your post. heart.

  3. Best writing for a dramatic T.V. show. Ever. Hands down. The writing for this show was better than that of most films that come out...
    I guess everybody loved Omar?? Me too!
